
Chicago, Illinois


Tuesday April 29, 1986 - Wednesday April 30, 1986


A Numerical Simulation Methodology and its Application in Natural Gas Burner Design
Butler, G. W.; Lee, Jaesoo ; Ushimaru, Kenji ; Bernstein, Samual ; Gosman, A. David 1986 Chicago

Application Studies of Advanced Combustion Systems
Bowers, James ; Fleming, Donald 1986 Chicago

Applications of Pulse Combustion in Industry
Zinn, Ben T. 1986 Chicago

Burner Atomizer Requirements for Combustion of Waste Fuels
Santoleri, Joseph J. 1986 Chicago

Burning Issues for Industries Using Natural Gas
Rosenberg, Robert B. 1986 Chicago

Catalytic Radiant Tube For Industrial Process Heating Applications
Lannutti, John L.; Schreiber, Richard J.; Lukasiewicz, Michael A. 1986 Chicago

Characterization of Natural Gas Fired and Alternative Steel Reheat Technologies
Koch, Gayle Schlea; Williams, James H. 1986 Chicago

Combustion Characteristics of Fuels With Preheated Oxygen Enriched Air
Guerrero, Pablo S.; Rebello, Wilfred J.; Ally, Moonis R.; Jain, Ramesh 1986 Chicago

Combustion Control
Bonne, Ulrich 1986 Chicago

Combustion Problems in the Steel Industry
Drake, Robert A. 1986 Chicago

Combustion Progress, Problems, Needs in the Glass Industry
Drake, Robert A. 1986 Chicago

Combustion System Requirements For Advanced Gas-Fired Processes
Knowles, David F. 1986 Chicago

Combustion System Requirements for Advanced Technologies
Jain, Ramesh 1986 Chicago

Combustion With Oxygen Enriched Air
Khinkis, Mark 1986 Chicago

Combustion With Preheated Air Introduction
Dobos, Charles ; Eustes, John 1986 Chicago

Computation of Adiabatic Flame Temperatures and Other Thermodynamic Quantities
Westbrook, Charles K. 1986 Chicago

Demonstrated Fuel Savings and Uniform Heating With 100% Oxygen Burners in a Continuous Steel Reheat Furnace
Walsh, Louise T.; Ho, Minda ; Ding, Maynard G. 1986 Chicago

Effects of Oxygen Enrichment on the Performance of Air Fuel Burners
Joshi, S. V.; Becker, J. S.; Lytle, G. C. 1986 Chicago

Experimental Evaluation of a Radiant Tube Combustion System Fired With Oxygen Enriched Combustion Air
Huebner, Steven R.; Hersch, Christopher A.; Lukasiewicz, Michael A. 1986 Chicago

Fabricability and Design Considerations of Heat Resistant Alloys
Skarda, James 1986 Chicago

Ferrous Metal Heat Treating a Comparison of Natural Gas and Alternative Technologies
Koch, Gayle Schlea; Williams, James H. 1986 Chicago

Flow and Combustion Modeling of Vertical Lime Kiln Chambers
Khalil, Essam Eldin 1986 Chicago

Flue Gas Stratification in Industrial and Utility Boilers
Cooper, Marshall H.; Jahn, Richard K. 1986 Chicago

Fuel Staging Burners for NOx Control
Waibel, R. ; Nickeson, D. ; Radak, L. ; Boyd, W. 1986 Chicago

Heat Transfer Enhancement by Pulse Combustion in Industrial Processes
Corliss, John M.; Putnam, Abbott A. 1986 Chicago

Improved Combustion Thermal Efficiency With Compact Recuperator Design
Singh, Shyam N.; Yokosh, Steven ; Briselden, Tom ; Singh, Shiw S. 1986 Chicago

Industrial Applications of the Pyrocore Burner
Krill, Wayne V.; Pam, Rick 1986 Chicago

Key Factors Affecting the Economics of Oxygen Enriched Air Production Via Membranes
Gollan, Arye ; Kleper, Myles H. 1986 Chicago

Modeling of Combustion Systems
Kezerle, James ; Strehlow, Roger 1986 Chicago

Parametric Study of the Thermal Performance of a Natural Gas Fired Furnace
Song, T. H.; Viskanta, R. 1986 Chicago

Pollution Control
Schreiber, Richard 1986 Chicago

Pyretron, a Variable Gas/Oxygen/Air Combustion System
Gitman, Gregory 1986 Chicago

Recent Developments in Physical Flow Modeling of Utility Scale Furnaces
Anderson, D. K.; Bianca, J. D.; McGowan, J. G. 1986 Chicago

Regen Regenerative Burner for High Performance, Heat Recovery in Aggressive Environments
Newby, John N. 1986 Chicago

Reminiscences of Furnaces and Heat Transfer, and Comments on Oxygen-Enriched Emissivites of Flame Gases
Hottel, Hoyt C. 1986 Chicago

Some Innovative Techniques in the Glass Industry
Freeman, R. A. 1986 Chicago

Technologies for Low Cost Combustion Control
Burk, Norm ; Woolbert, Gordon 1986 Chicago

Technologies to Increase the Efficient Use of Energy in the Process Industries
Pohl, J. H.; Lanier, W. S.; Keller, J. ; Patton, J. ; Jain, R. 1986 Chicago

The "Comburimetre" and its Use in Combustion Control
Benisti, Jean-Claude ; Vabre, C. ; Chapus, A. 1986 Chicago

Use of Spectral Flame Analyzer for Combustion Control in Industrial Boilers
Batra, Sushil K.; Cole, William E.; Metcalfe, Christopher I. 1986 Chicago

Utilization of a Numerical Model for the Design of a Gas Immersion Tube
Perrin, Marc ; Lievoux, Philippe ; Borghi, Roland ; Gonzalez, Michel 1986 Chicago