AFRC 2016 Symposium Papers


Power Generation Using Biomass Fuel
John H. Pohl

PDuplex- A Creative Innovation in Industrial Combustionl
Roberto Ruiz and Donald Kendrick

Opportunities for Optical Flame Diagnostics in Commercial and Industrial Furnacesl
Charles E.A. Finney and C. Stuart Daw

Heater Recirculation Pattern Analysis and Burner Spacing Optimizationl
Kurt Kraus, Matthew Martin, and Addison Cruz

New Approach to Improving Reliability of Crude Heatersl
Ashutosh Garg

Advantages of Tangentially Fired Delayed Coker Heater (Conventional or Flameless) to Increase Run Lengths and Monitor Combustionl
William Gibson and Marianne Zimola- Great Southern Group

Factors Affecting Cenosphere Morphology in HFO Single Droplet Combustionl
A.M. Elbaz, Jianguo Du and W.L. Roberts

Fuel and CO2 Emission Reductions in Oil and Gas Refining Industry Thermal Oxidizersl
Nathan Petersen, Gernot Schwarting and Francisco Iglesias

Numerical Analysis of NO and CO in a Flameless Burnerl
Carlo Locci, George Mallouppas and Rajesh Rawat

A Validation/Uncertainty Quantification (V/UQ) Analysis for a 1..5 MW Oxy-Coal Fired L1500 Furnace Using a Swirling Boundary Conditionl
Oscar H. Diaz-Ibarra, Jennifer Spinti, Andrew Fry, Jeremy Thornock, Michal Hradisky, Sean Smith and Philip Smith

Flare Event - Comparison of Dispersion Modeling Approaches and Outcomes Regarding Benzene Formation and Dispersionl
Troy Boley and Rishabh Jaishankar

Development of an Ultra-Low NOx Gaseous Fuel Burner for OTSG Applicationsl
Kevin Anderson, Vladimir LIfshits and Santhosh Umapathy

AERO Radiant Wall Burner for Ethylene Cracking and Steam Methane Reformingl
Timothy Lowrey and Kurt Kraus

Development Pof a Low NOx Gas Burner for Combined Cycle Gas Turbine/ Once-Through Steam Generator Systeml
Matthew Whelan, Mychal Zipper and Kevin Anderson

CO Emission Control with Radiation Pyrometerl
Donald L. Corwin

LSR Investigation on a Demonstration-Scale Lab Furnace
John Nowakowski

Conical Quarl Swirl Stabilized Non-Premixed Flames: Flame and Flow Field Interaction
A.M. Elbaz, Issam Alkhesho and W.L. Roberts

Refinery Sector Rule Focus on Flare Combustion Control Parameters
Herman Holm

Comparison of Three Methods to Monitor Flare Combustion Efficiency
Yousheng Zeng

Combustion Efficiency Performance Evaluation of a Variable Speed Drive Air-Assisted Flare Using Passive FTIR
Matt McCormick and Marc S. Johnson

Pilot-Scale Investigation of Heat Flux and Radiation from an Oxy-Coal Flame Part I: Development of Instrument Models
Andrew Fry, Jennifer Spinti, Oscar Diaz, Ignacio Preciado, Kaitlyn Scheib, Eric Eddings and Philip Smith

Part II: Deployment of Continuous Online Monitoring of Tube Metal Temperature at the Holly Frontier Refinery Depropanizer Reboiler
P. Smith, J. Thornock, S. Smith, M. Hradisky, D. Smith, P. Emett, K. Daines and B. Harris

Recent Developments and Current Insights in Ethylene Flare Technology: The Impact of Burner Design, Vent Gas Variability and Ancillary Equipment
Matthew Martin, Kurt Kraus, Bryan Beck, and Addison Cruz

Assessment of Flare Smokeless Capacity Estimation Techniques
Derek Stuck

Noise Testing and Prediction Methods for Multi-point Ground Flares
Scot Smith, Brian Duck, Justin Roberts and Reginald Keith

Safe Operation of Adjacent Multi-Point Ground Flares: Predicted and Measured Flame Radiation in Cross Flow Wind Conditions
Joseph D. Smith, Robert E. Jackson, Zachary P. Smith, Doug Allen, David DeShazer, and Scot Smith