AFRC 2009 Symposium Papers


Boston, Massachusetts


Monday June 8, 2009 - Wednesday June 10, 2009


International Flare Consortium (IFC) update
Seebold, James G. Seebold, James G. International Flare Consortium (IFC) update - Jim Seebold

Demonstration of Hydrogen Use in Steam- and Air-Assisted Flares
McKittrick, Alexis McKittrick, Alexis Demonstration of Hydrogen Use in Steam- and Air-Assisted Flares - Alexis McKittrick

Remote Sensing and Analysis of Unburned Gases from Stacks and Flares Using Imaging Spectroscopy
Hinnrichs, Michele Hinnrichs, Michele Remote Sensing and Analysis of Unburned Gases from Stacks and Flares Using Imaging Spectroscopy - Michele Hinnrichs

Steamizer XP Next Generation Steam Flare Technology
Fox, Scott Fox, Scott Steamizer XP Next Generation Steam Flare Technology - Scott Fox

Technical foundations to establish new criteria for efficient operation of industrial steam-assisted gas flares
Smoot, L. Douglas; Smith, Joseph D.; Jackson, Robert E. Smoot, L. Douglas; Smith, Joseph D.; Jackson, Robert E. Technical foundations to establish new criteria for efficient operation of industrial steam-assisted gas flares - Smoot, Smith and Jackson

LES Simulations of Sour Gas Flares in Western Canada
Thornock, Jeremy ; Smith, Philip J.; Chambers, Allan Thornock, Jeremy ; Smith, Philip J.; Chambers, Allan LES Simulations of Sour Gas Flares in Western Canada - Jeremy Thornock, Philip Smith and Allan Chambers

Both LES and k-e turbulence-treatment in CFD-approaches for creation of the database on flare-stacks flame-behaviour
Muhasilovic, Medzid ; Duhovnik, J. ; Deville, M. O.; Koza, V. ; Ciahotny, K. Muhasilovic, Medzid ; Duhovnik, J. ; Deville, M. O.; Koza, V. ; Ciahotny, K. Both LES and k-e turbulence-treatment in CFD-approaches for creation of the database on flare-stacks flame-behaviour ? Muhasilovic, et al.