AFRC 2007 Symposium Papers


Waikoloa, Hawaii


Thursday October 25, 2007 - Friday October 26, 2007


Comparison of Empirically Based Calculation Methods for Pipe Flares to Computational Fluid Dynamics
Martin, Matthew Martin, Matthew Comparison of Empirically Based Calculation Methods for Pipe Flares to Computational Fluid Dynamics - Matthew Martin, Callidus Technologies

Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of a Ground Flare
Duck, Brian Duck, Brian Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of a Ground Flare ? Brian Duck, Callidus Technologies

Environmental Testing of an Advanced Flare Tip for a Low-Profile Flare Burning Ethylene
Smith, Scot K.; Modi, Jay B.; McDonald, J. M.; Little, C. ; Smith, Joseph D.; Berg, L. M. Smith, Scot K.; Modi, Jay B.; McDonald, J. M.; Little, C. ; Smith, Joseph D.; Berg, L. M. Environmental Testing of an Advanced Flare Tip for a Low-Profile Flare Burning Ethylene ? Steve Smith, Zeeco, et al.

Evaluation of the Air-Demand, Fame Height, and Radiation from low-profile flare tips using ISIS-3D
Smith, Joseph D.; Suo-Ahttila, Ahti ; Smith, Scot K.; Modi, Jay B. Smith, Joseph D.; Suo-Ahttila, Ahti ; Smith, Scot K.; Modi, Jay B. Evaluation of the Air-Demand, Fame Height, and Radiation from low-profile flare tips using ISIS-3D ? Joseph Smith, Alion Science and Technology, et al.

Improving Flare Design - A Transition from Art-Form to Engineering Science
Shore, David Shore, David Improving Flare Design ? A Transition from Art-Form to Engineering Science ? David Shore, Flaregas Corporation

LES Analysis of Sour Gas Flare Emissions under Variable Wind Conditions
Smith, Philip J.; Thurston, C. ; Chambers, Allan Smith, Philip J.; Thurston, C. ; Chambers, Allan LES Analysis of Sour Gas Flare Emissions under Variable Wind Conditions - Philip Smith, University of Utah

Optimization of an Elevated Staged Flare for a Large Gas Plant
Damico, R. Damico, R. Optimization of an Elevated Staged Flare for a Large Gas Plant - R. Damico, Hamworthy Combustion, et al.

Pressure-Assisted Flare Emissions Testing
Varner, Vance ; Fox, Scott ; Schwartz, Robert ; Wozniak, Russell Varner, Vance ; Fox, Scott ; Schwartz, Robert ; Wozniak, Russell Pressure-Assisted Flare Emissions Testing - Vance Varner, Dow Chemical, et al.

Scaling Relations for Flare Interactions, Flame Lengths, and Crosslighting Requirements in Large Flare Fields
Dahm, Werner J.A. Dahm, Werner J.A. Scaling Relations for Flare Interactions, Flame Lengths, and Crosslighting Requirements in Large Flare Fields - Werner Dahm, University of Michigan